Whitney houston crack addiction
Whitney houston crack addiction

whitney houston crack addiction

But one can’t become a crack addict without a conscious decision to do something very, very bad. One can, to an extent, become an alcoholic very slowly, inadvertently increasing his drinking over many years and without really noticing a problem is being created.

whitney houston crack addiction

To say that a drug addiction is something that “happens” is the same as to say that pregnancy is something that “happens”.

whitney houston crack addiction

The simple truth is that before one touches drugs for the first time, all kind of moral fuses have already blown, and the drugs have been touched exactly because the fuses have blown. No drug ever told me “how do you do”, nor would I have ever answered to such a greeting. One is never introduced to drugs (an extremely hypocritical, politically correct, guilt-free expression). The values people give to us, and the value we give to ourselves. Thirdly, I though once upon a time there was something called values. I assure you the latter are to be found much more frequently than celebrities of any description. On the contrary, celebrities with beauty, success, money, and adulation wherever they turn already get a dose of dopamine way above the one of the average guy or gal, let alone of the housewife with four children and unsteady husband who doesn’t know how long will it be before the eviction. Being a celebrity does not authorise one to be stupid. It’s not about celebrity here, but sheer stupidity. Secondly, whist I did like the woman, I have some problems with the affirmation that crack cocaine, with its exaggerate stimulation of dopamine production, would make this drug particularly dangerous for celebrities. If she – absurdly – didn’t, this can only have been because there was the absolute absence of those cautionary tales, “judgmental” warnings like the one you are reading now. Apologies, but I do not buy the concept the deceased did not know this beforehand. This is one of the very many reasons why I have never tried it. I am also aware that if I throw myself from the seventh floor my brains will be, after the impact with the sidewalk, somewhat changed.

whitney houston crack addiction

#Whitney houston crack addiction full

This is the reason why the popular language is full of expressions reminding one of this very simple, easy to observe fact. All drugs do this, and every child knows that. Reading around, though, I found here and there some very questionable concepts expressed, and at that point I felt a “judgemental” blog post would be rather in order.įirst of all, let me say that I know already that crack cocaine changes one’s brain. I would have written the usual Mundabor-like article with the usual cautionary tale (nowadays called “being judgmental”) but alas, I had better things to do and it slipped. I liked Whitney Houston a lot in younger years, and was saddened (though not very surprised) as everyone of us. To quote John Donne, “Any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind.” Let us mourn the passing of Whitney Houston, yes but let us also shed tears for her fellow, unknown addicts who also lose the fight.Not many days ago a famous, extremely successful, beautiful, very talented singer and actress died in circumstances which are not yet entirely cleared but will very probably have to be retraced – directly or indirectly – to her crack cocaine addiction. Hopefully, she’ll inspire people to fight the disease just a little bit harder and stay clean for one more day. The fact that Whitney Houston had an amazing talent doesn’t make her any different from any other addict who lost the battle. There are addicts fighting like hell to beat this disease and resist relapsing. Even as I feel the loss of her talent from this world, I ask myself, where is the outpouring of grief for the crack addict who lives in a cardboard box and eats out of Dumpsters, or for the young woman who contracts HIV from turning tricks to support her habit? Whitney Houston was indeed prolific and gifted, but she was also an addict whose relapses were as regular as her Top 40 hits. In the hours since then, we’ve seen not only an outpouring of grief over her passing but talk about what an inspiration she was, and what a loss her death is to the world. Cocaine in her system was a contributing factor in her demise. 11 in Beverly Hills when she drowned in a bathtub. Whitney Houston was an inspiring singer and performer, but in addiction she was not a role model.

Whitney houston crack addiction